02 Jul Top 5 Inspiration Sites
Staying inspired is a difficult task, especially when being creative is literally your job. Mental blocks aren’t uncommon with the stress of everyday things getting the best of us all sometime. That’s why having a few places to go to make your mind smile is healthy for any creative.
Below are 5 of our favourite sites for inspiration (asides from Pinterest because that vetoes pretty much everything). Take a look!
- This is Collosal – http://www.thisiscolossal.com/
This is Collosal is a great blog for weekly inspiration. The works showcased are always interesting and cover a range of art from photography, design, animation, painting, installation art, architecture, drawing and street art. The website focuses on how people creating with their hands has nothing on the digital world. Ironically, displayed online. The blog began as a personal blog of Christopher Jobson. Every time you visit this site there is new, amazing work to look at.
- Behance – https://www.behance.net/
Behance lets you discover the latest work by creative professionals across industries and across the world. Whether you’re interested in branding, graphic design, illustration, web design or other creative work, there’s a mass of projects to look at and appreciate. The site gives designers the opportunity to be discovered and inspire other creatives.
- The Die Line http://www.thedieline.com/
The Die Line is all about packaging and branding combined with resources, news, events and awards. You can do some cool things with packaging and this site showcases the potential and importance of packaging design. Also, how clever is the name!
- Designspiration – http://designspiration.net/
Designspiration is similar to Pinterest in its structure. It focuses on maintaining a high level of design inspiration to share around the world. Think of it like the design Pinterest. Plus this site also has some great books for sale.
- Viemo – https://vimeo.com/
Vimeo has grown hugely since it was founded in 2004. It’s a site where inspiring and talented video makers can showcase their work and be discovered. The wide range of videos means that there is something for everyone to enjoy. The name Vimeo was created by Lodwick, as a play on the words video and me. Vimeo is also an anagram of the word movie.
There are hundreds of sites all over the internet waiting to inspire you. Outside of that, you can find inspiration almost anywhere, you just have to get looking. Check out some of these amazing sites to kick start your creativity.