27 Mar To sponsor or donate. What’s the difference?
We’re a generous bunch in Taranaki. We say yes a lot when we’re asked to ‘sponsor’ a cause, but is it true sponsorship or just a donation?
Sponsorship is a two-way street, you give and you get certain rights and benefits – perhaps brand recognition, hospitality, complimentary tickets, involvement in an event or the opportunity to do business together.
Let us help you get the most out of your sponsorships
How to choose what to sponsor
It makes it easier if what you choose to sponsor has some relationship to your business – an interest, something related to your location, or a person, cause or organisation that shares similar values to you and your organisation. Eg A scaffolding company could have some fun sponsoring a mountain climbing club – xxx company helping xxx mountaineering club scale new heights!
Good fit is preferable over sponsoring lots of different causes.
What does leverage and activation mean?
The dollar amount you give as sponsorship is only the beginning. To get the most out of a sponsorship you usually need to invest to maximising your return on the investment – this is called leverage. For the scaffolding company one sponsorship activation they might undertake is hosting a client get together at the mountaineering club to show their clients they are part of the community.
Why is sponsorship important
Sponsorship is an important part of the marketing mix. It can give you good content to share in blogs, newsletters and in the media. It can give you the edge over competitors when pitching for new business. It makes you a more attractive place to work. It makes you look good, and most importantly, it makes you feel good.
How can we help you?
From sponsorship audits, to helping you make new connections, to ideas and branded material to help you leverage your sponsorship, let us help you.
By the way, we’re proud to support the community that supports us. Have you joined the fearless, the forceful, and the unclean at Naki Run Amuck? It’s all go on 14 April. And we’re proud sponsors!