29 Apr How to be more approachable online
Experts say we need to be as approachable, accessible and friendly online as we are offline – but how do you do it?
Read our tips to help your online presence better reflect you and your brand.
Be present – If questions or comments are made, respond as soon as possible. Being responsive and present online is key for first impressions and the start of a relationship. Post helpful, timely information, reply to enquiries, comment on posts and link to external sources, like your website in order for visitors to see more information. Be part of the conversation – don’t just push your message. Remember, it’s a social channel not a sales platform.
Tone – It’s not just what you say, but how you say it that’s important. Mirror the language of your audience and keep anything you post clear, relaxed and unambiguous. And remember, leave the jargon and acronyms in the office!
Stay informed – Current affairs can create a way for you to become part of a wider network and be seen as part of the community. During events and time of sorrow and celebrations, you can show support through your social media channels. You may have to reschedule or amend existing posts to be in the moment with the community around you.
Be real – Show that you are human. It is important to communicate effortlessly so don’t be afraid to use humour if it suits the situation. You always need to be respectful and remember that anything you say is probably going to be visible to the public so treat others the way you would like to be treated – just like mum always says!
Insiders’ perspective – Showing customers behind the scenes and ‘introducing’ them to the people that make up your team is a great way of saying ‘we are open, transparent and keen to form a relationship’.
Content – Good content shows quality and authority. You become a source of knowledge and inspiration. Understand your customers and what they want, know your competitors and what they are doing and use their weaknesses as your advantages. Always tie your content back to your audiences needs.
Insights – Don’t forget to keep an eye on your insights or analytics to track how you are going. This will help show you what works and what needs to be improved.
If you would like help with your social media presence, we are here to help you. Often, a short training session or discussion with one of our digital team is all it takes to get you on track. Get in touch with us to find out more.