08 Aug The ins and outs of corporate gift giving
Saying thanks and connecting with clients to stay top of mind, helps build loyalty and encourages repeat business are just a few of the reasons we give presents to clients at Christmas.
Read our tips for what to think about when it comes to corporate gift giving.
Know your audience
Knowing your customers is marketing 101, and when it comes to corporate gift giving this is key. Obviously basic demographics like gender and age help, then there’s actually knowing what makes them tick as real-life people. What are their values? What is their workplace culture like? What would make their life easier? What would make them go wow?
Know your values
Just like you would be surprised if your local dentist gave away complimentary sweets with every appointment nor would it feel right if you gifted products that didn’t speak to your values or the purpose of your organisation. Just think how much better an item made of natural products fits with someone in the wellness industry or a tech gadget for those in IT.
Your taste isn’t everyone’s taste
It’s a fine line finding something that stands out, reflects your brand and that will be popular with the recipient. Talk to the experts and see what is re-ordered time and time again and ask why. Then shortlist and test the samples with workmates and recipients (if you can). There’s nothing better than hearing clients say they look forward to seeing what Christmas gifts you are giving this year or that they still use the umbrella/refillable coffee cup/eco bag you gave them in the past.
Make it part of your plan, not your whole plan
Giving a branded promotional item at Christmas isn’t your marketing ticked off for the year. A promotional product can’t do the work of a website, brochure, ads or a genuine relationship, but it can enhance your relationship and reflect well on you, your brand and your organisation. Promotional gifts need to be a well-thought-through element of your overall marketing plan and considered and reviewed just as you do with your online presence, advertising and signage.
Eco is in
Thankfully throwaway culture is a thing of the past and sustainability is in. You might be surprised at how many clever eco products can be branded with your message – not only making your brand stand out but ensuring you look current and thoughtful too.
Who gets what
Uncapped budgets are a dream for most of us, so how do you decide who gets what? You either go for a low spend product and have a one size fits all approach or tier your giving based on the significance of the client. This doesn’t have to look obvious – different sized products can be used, or perhaps tier 1 clients get a bundle: think branded reusable coffee cup, plunger and beans, and tier 2 just receive the branded cup and so on. You might be surprised with the savings you gain from buying in bulk, and at wholesale prices, you may be able to afford more than you think.
Workplace gift rules
Some businesses, especially government organisations, may have policies regarding the giving and receiving of gifts. If you suspect this might be the case it is worth checking in advance of adding them to your gift list. If they are not able to accept your gift, consider a morning tea shout or another gesture to pass on your thanks.
Don’t forget your staff. Onboarding, Christmas, big wins and change are great times to give staff a gift or use promotional items. Not only can these products act as marketing tools when used, they may also help attract and retain staff.
Bottom line
If this has got you thinking: ‘eeekkkk we haven’t got anything lined up for Christmas’ pop in and see TGM’s newly renovated Promo Room. The Promo Room is full of the latest promotional products and giftware that gets used, will last and have good eco-friendly credentials. Open 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday, by appointment only.