16 Apr Top industry tips to a successful re-brand
Our services have expanded throughout the years, in order to cater to our client’s requests and now they are enjoying having one point of contact for all of their design, print, web and marketing requirements.
However, some of our customers were unaware of the full extent of our offerings so we knew it was time to re-brand and create a marketing strategy around getting the message out to our existing and potential client base. As a full service agency this is the bread and butter of what we do, re-creating (or creating) a brand including logo, website, stationery, signage etc and telling the world about it through social media, PR, e-newsletters etc. So here are our tips to consider when re-branding a business:
Focus on the future. Try not to hold onto the past, research the current/future market and work out how you fit in to this. What are the goals of your business and how should you communicate with your target market.
Don’t forget about your current customers. Your customers know you and are using you because they are happy with the services you offer so make sure you include them in your decision making. Showing that you care about their opinion is a key part of customer service so make sure you ask them what they want to see happen with your brand/services.
Choose the name carefully. Do you need to include part of your current name or can you start a fresh – what do customers know you as? If your legacy and identity is critical for recognition or a competitive edge, then a refreshment rather than complete change is preferential.
Make the most of this marketing opportunity. This is a great opportunity to share your business story with potential customers instead of just sell sell sell, so speak to the experts and develop a marketing plan. Use as many platforms as possible to get the story out there on and off line.
Develop a strategy. Re-branding isn’t just about a new logo and some new collateral. In order for the process to re-position your business and drive forward, you may need to amend or change some of your organisation’s processes or the way your staff interact with customers and do business.
If you’d like help on building both an online and offline branded presence Contact TGM Creative on 06 759 8957 or email info@tgmcreative.co.nz.