29 Mar The value of print in an online world
The digital space is forever growing, generating fresh new ideas every single day. But with all of the online development does that mean print becomes obsolete? Here at TGM we think there will always be a place for print as the world turns to screen and print becomes niche once again.
Here’s the top 6 reasons why print isn’t dead yet:
- Print is memorable
Part of what makes print so memorable is its tactile nature. When a product is on screen it’s hard to get a feel for it, the weight, the texture and functionality. By being able to pick something up, an instant, memorable connection is made. This means any marketing material you’ve created in print is more likely to stick in the minds of your audience.
- Print stays with you
From the Sunday Times to Women’s Day and your favourite take-away menu, print is often seen as valuable, a keepsake, and something that is always considered – even for just a few seconds. People cherish print, collecting magazines, posters or flyers like artwork. Whereas a simple click on the ‘x’ at the top left hand corner will close down anything you were looking at online. Print takes up what’s called ‘marketing real estate’ in your home, even if that’s just bathroom reading material, there’s always a space for print somewhere in your home.
- Drives to other platforms
Print is also a powerful platform for driving people to your main source of information such as a website, social media or your physical address. Flyers, posters, or signage can be great ways to capture your audience’s attention and lead them to check out your business in real life or on other platforms.
- Targeted to key audiences
As people turn to marketing online, sending out e-newsletter after e-newsletter, the once mass medium of print has turned somewhat niche again. With the help of statistical and demographic data, print can also be more targeted ensuring more of your audience is seeing your brand in the right space.
- Print can be playful
Advanced technology has stretched the limitations of online spaces. But one limitation technology can’t overcome is the intangibility of a screen. Print can be created with a number of amazing graphics, textures, cutouts and shapes, all ready to be enjoyed, touched and played with. Take a look at these inspiring print ideas at: https://nz.pinterest.com/tgmcreative/playful-print/
- It’s not just a piece of paper
Print isn’t just a piece of paper or a flyer, it’s the pen you picked up from that business meeting, the magnet on your fridge you see every time you midnight snack, it’s a business card you’ve not thrown out of your wallet. Print comes in so many forms it’s easy to get creative and produce a piece of print marketing that connects with your audience and stays with them.
We’ve been print experts for the past 29 years and we still see the possibilities for print to grow in the future. There are so many benefits of print, from billboards to business cards, print takes up a huge part of our every day space and we don’t see it going anywhere anytime soon. If anything, print technology will continue to develop into an increasingly niche market, with more opportunities to reach out and speak to audiences than ever before.
If you’re interested in creating print materials for your business, get in touch with TGM Creative today.